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Modern Google Workspace (G Suite) Backup with Europe, UK, USA, Australia, Canada datacenters, advanced admin roles, multi-geo compliance, scalable to 1,000,000s users
Listing updated:November 8, 2024
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Afi Google Workspace™ (G Suite) Backup is the latest generation of data protection with fast & responsive UI and 2-3x faster backup/restore performance compared to legacy vendors. Afi was built from the ground-up to support Google Workspace™ apps with full fidelity. It is powered by modern cloud architecture based on micro-services and leverages AI technology to protect your data against ransomware, provide better resiliency and automate backup operations.

-   Backup all Google Workspace™ user data, including (Shared) Drives, Gmail™, Calendars, Contacts
-   [EXCLUSIVE FEATURE] AI anti-ransomware engine (detection, preemptive backups & recovery points labeling)
-   [EXCLUSIVE FEATURE] full-text search, instant online backup contents preview and flexible point-in-time data restore 
-   [EXCLUSIVE FEATURE] 100% fidelity Google Workspace™ backup - Afi preserves Google Drive™ document IDs, so the file URLs will remain the same after recovery and 3rd party apps integrated with Drive will continue to function
-   Leverage the most granular access control and permission management engine - Afi enables you to disable/limit access for Google Workspace™ super admins, or grant custom backup access permissions for non-admin users
-   Unlimited time-based retention, backup storage locations in EU, US, UK, Canada and Australia or external customer-owned cloud storage

Afi intelligently handles Google API errors (4xx, 5xx) and uses a prediction engine to avoid the Google Workspace™ API calls limit. In case of any issues, Afi automatically reschedules & retries problematic backup runs. 

Afi automatically manages backup schedules based on the protection levels (SLAs) assigned by admin for Google Workspace™ organizational units or user accounts. New users are automatically discovered & protected. Users deleted from Google Workspace™ are automatically archived and are always available for restore.

Afi is the only cloud Google Workspace™ backup that enables to configure & restrict Google Workspace™ super admin access to user backed up data. Afi also provides a detailed audit log that retains session details (including WAN IP), backup & restore actions and all system events.

⚫ Q&A

➊ Why do you need to backup Google Workspace™?
Organizations use cloud Google Workspace™ backup to protect data from accidental data deletions, user errors and emerging threats such as cloud ransomware and hacker attacks. Based on IDC and Gartner surveys around 30% of businesses backup their cloud applications.

➋ Does Google Workspace™ provide any built-in recovery capabilities?
Google Workspace™ enables admins to partially recover data deleted within  20-25 days. Most organizations use a 3rd party backup solution because the the time frame is too short. Google Workspace™ also provides built-in versioning that protects your data against accidental overwrites and ransomware attacks, but some organizations find the capabilities insufficient.

➌ Do I need to backup user's Google Workspace™ data if my organization has Google Vault™?
Google Vault™ provides retention and e-discovery features and it can help to partially recover deleted G Suite data. However organizations often use a G Suite backup tool in addition to Google Vault™ to overcome its limitations (no data is retained for deleted G Suite users, no versioning and no recovery is available for Google Drive™ folder structures).

➍ Does Afi backs up Shared (Team) Drives?
Yes, we provide full-fidelity backup for Google Drive™ and Shared Drives, including the backup of complex folder structures, files metadata (author, creation/modification dates, etc) and Google document IDs.

➎ Can I backup user Gmail data without exposing the backup contents to IT team?
Yes, you can configure custom administrative roles that will enable your team to manage the backup and restore operations, without the ability to view the data. You can also disable admin access to Afi application for your Google Workspace™ super admins.

➏ What is the maximum backup frequency available in Afi?
You can configure 1-24x per day backup runs. In addition Afi AI engine will perform out of schedule preemptive backups of your G Suite data in case of any security threats (e.g. detected encryption activity or mass deletions of Google Drive™ files). 

➐ What are the main advantages of Afi compared to other G Suite backup solutions?
Afi provides 2-3x faster backup and restore performance compared to legacy solutions. Afi AI engine prevents backup errors and automatically manages the backup schedules in order to provide resilient service independent of admin supervision.

➑ Is Afi GDPR and HIPAA compliant?
Yes, we comply with GDPR and other major data protection regulations such as HIPAA, EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and CCPA. We will sign the DPA upon request.
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Afi G Suite Backup will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Afi G Suite Backup will need access to your Google account
This will allow Afi G Suite Backup to :
See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
Read, compose, and send emails from your Gmail account
See, edit, create, or change your email settings and filters in Gmail
Manage your sensitive mail settings, including who can manage your mail
See, edit, share, and permanently delete all the calendars you can access using Google Calendar
See, edit, download, and permanently delete your contacts
View customer related information
View domains related to your customers
View and manage the provisioning of groups on your domain
View groups on your domain
View and manage organization units on your domain
View organization units on your domain
Manage delegated admin roles for your domain
View and manage the provisioning of users on your domain
See info about users on your domain
View and manage the provisioning of user schemas on your domain
View audit reports for your G Suite domain
View usage reports for your G Suite domain
View and manage the settings of a G Suite group
See, change, create, and delete any of the Cloud Identity Groups that you can access, including the members of each group
See, add, update, and remove members from conversations and spaces in Google Chat
See, compose, send, update, and delete messages as well as their message content; add, see, and delete reactions to messages.
Create conversations and spaces and see or update metadata (including history settings and access settings) in Google Chat
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Administrator 1
October 22, 2024
A reliable and easy-to-use service. We used Afi for two years as protection in case we were to damage our Google WorkSpace. When it came time for our small non-profit organization to shut down, we found it far easier to pull final copies of about 50 Gbytes of files from the Afi backups than it would have been to pull them directly from WorkSpace.
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Shelley Evans
January 31, 2024
Simple, clean interface, wonderful customer support. I use back up services primarily for insurance, in case of catastrophic loss-- if for some reason Google crashed and lost my data. I found it to be a surprisingly easy way to restore even a single email or document.
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Matthew Cramer
August 10, 2023
A modern SAAS that is genuinely fantastic. The onboarding process is slick and quick. Administering all my customers is easy. Restores are lightning-fast. Compared to my old SAAS, AFI is a Ferrari! The cost is well worth it as you need a solid and reliable solution for your backups.
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Stuart Hatcher
September 28, 2022
Excellent, to a point. When I started using AFI there was no limit to the storage space. Then, when Google pulled the rug out from everyone and imposed storage limits, I suddenly had a storage limit in AFI. That limit was less than 1% of the amount of data I had backed up with AFI. Suddenly I'm massively over-quota. My immediate impulse was to simply download all the data, stick it on a local hard drive and move on. This is where the real flaw in AFI lies - there is no simple way to bulk-download. The only way to download data is to go through date-by-date, service-by-service, and download each chunk manually. With around 3 years worth of data spread over Google Drive, Gmail, Calendar, Contacts, and Sites, and 3 users, all being backed up 3 times a day, that would mean approx 1000x5x3x3 = 45,000 separate manual downloads. At 5mins per download that's around 2 year's worth of 8 hour days simply to get the data downloaded. Or I can simply abandon the data and hope I never need it, which makes the whole exercise futile. Anyway, the backup is excellent, but stopping using the service is basically impossible.
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Derek Raines
May 25, 2022
VERY DECEPTIVE BILLING PRACTICES Installed this for a small org (9 users, aggregate 1.5 TB storage per Google). Website licensing states they charge $3 per user (as opposed to per GB like competitors), unlimited Team Drives storage, unlimited backup points. At end of the trial, they informed it'll be $150/mo as opposed to $3 per user. They actually do charge based on storage and storage space accrues very quickly. As an example, on their basic Bronze SLA, which only does 1 x daily backup and excludes weekends, 1.5 TB of storage became 2.5 TB in just 2 weeks according to their own internal usage stats. They wanted to charge for 50 user licenses for 2.5 TB, admitting they only give you 50 GB per user (not stated anywhere on their site, and wording is intentionally tricky). In another month, they'd be trying to charge for 100 licenses or more. So, even though their site says otherwise, they do charge per GB and they charge a LOT. I recommend getting something like Cubebackup and a NAS. You'll save yourself a fortune.
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Shanley Weston
August 31, 2021
Very happy to have heard about AFI from some positive reviews on Reddit. After losing some material to accidental deletions and struggling with another backup solution that was unnecessarily complicated and glitchy, it is nice to know that we don't have to worry about that anymore. Customer service was friendly and responsive, set-up took just minutes, and their site is intuitive and user-friendly (no digging through documentation to try to get things working like some of the other options we considered!)
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National Intensive Care Surveillance System Sri Lanka
July 17, 2021
Thank you AFI for an intuitive, responsive, flexible and generous service. A life-saver for our small organisation in low-resource setting making best practice affordable for us.
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Dennis Weber
June 24, 2022
Very good and reliable data protection service. Ransomware detection features is a huge plus.
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Jules Brookfield
May 30, 2021
There's a 50GB limit per user apparently... I trialed their service for a week and then decided to go ahead and put 45 of my users protected via this service, but when I tried to pay, it wouldn't even let me pay - their support says that since these 45 users have a total of 6TB of storage, that's more than the 50GB per user limit and so I can't use their service apparently 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♂️
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Jesse Casey
May 27, 2021
I signed up for a free trial for my company, and was initially incredibly impressed with the intuitive interface and management tools. I set up a test backup of one user and some shared drives and let it run overnight so I could test the unarchiving process. The next morning when I tried to log in, I was asked to choose a region and time zone again, as I had done in the initial setup process. When I did, I got the response "This data source already exists. Please add another data source." I contacted support, which responded in a day or so saying they'd look into it. A few days later I followed up, and they said the R&D were still investigating. A few days later I followed up again, and was informed that the engineers think there's an issue on the Google side, and there's nothing that they or I can do to fix it, but that they'd reach out to Google for "any actionable hints". I didn't hear anything else from them by the time my trial period had expired. I was never able to log in after the first time.
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