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Drive add-on that converts a Google Doc™ to simple, readable Markdown or HTML.
Listing updated:February 18, 2025
Works with:
Docs to Markdown (GD2md-html) converts Google Docs™ to simple, readable Markdown or HTML. 

This add-on allows you to create documents using the excellent editing and collaborative features of Google Docs, then convert to Markdown or HTML to use on your web site.

Note that Docs to Markdown marks up the content (headings, paragraphs, lists, code blocks, etc.) but does not preserve colors and styles in text or tables.

See for docs. See for the source.

Release information (most recent on top):
- v1.0β40 (13 Oct 2024): 
    - Close list items before opening a new item. Close at the end of the list. (gdc, html)
    - Add support for Markdown checkbox lists. (gdc)
    - Fixes handling of superscript/subscript to close old styles before opening new style. Moves opening superscript/subscript later in process. (gdc)
    - Added center/right alignment to HTML paragraph and heading handling. - v1.0β39 (12 October 2024): Google Docs recently added a tab interface, which changes the TOC-generated id. This breaks internal links. This release fixes that bug. (gdc, html)
- v1.0β38 (21 Sept 2024): Italic/bold markup default is now */**: _/__ is now an option. Reckless mode now includes Suppress info comment (removed sidebar option too). Also add a News link to gd2md-html news page in sidebar. (sidebar, gdc)
- v1.0β37 (31 August 2024): Add a Questions link to gd2md-html Google group in sidebar (no functional changes).
 - v1.0β36 (26 April 2024): Update required permissions: set explicitly in appsscript.json. No code changes. Using these Oauth scopes:
    "oauthScopes": [
-v 1.0β35 (20 Nov. 2023): No info comments if "Suppress info comments" selected. Also remove clipboard success text. If errors, there will be an informational error comment.
-v 1.0β34 (12 Dec. 2022): Clarify note about TOC -- needs blue links to create intra-doc links). (gdc)
-v 1.0β33 (8 Jan. 2022): Add reckless mode (no warnings or inline alerts). (sidebar, gdc, html)
- v 1.0β31 (24 Aug. 2021): Don't contain <hr> in <p> for HTML.
- v 1.0β30 (1 July 2021): Reduce whitespace after list item (bullets, numbers) in Markdown.
- v 1.0β29: Handle partial selections correctly (expand to whole paragraph).
- v1.0β27 (19 June 2020): Copy output to clipboard. Print success/error messages for clipboard output (see chromium bug 1074489). 
- v1.0β26 (6 June 2020): Render soft line breaks correctly in HTML (<br> not &lt;br>).
-v1.0β25: Use image path in this form: images/image1.png, images/image2.png, etc. Clean up old zip image code.
-v1.0β24: Correct a spelling error (s/Supress/Suppress/).
-v1.0β23: Copy converted output to the clipboard. Add option to suppress top comment.
-v1.0β22: Roll back font-change runs for now (still causing problems), but keep table note.
-v1.0β21: Add a note that tables are currently converted to HTML tables. No change to rendered conversion.
-v1.0β20: Handle font-change runs with extra whitespace better (italic, bold, etc.).
-v1.0β19 (March 7, 2020): Fix for angle bracket at beginning of a line. Also: use doc title instead of URL in conversion comment.
-v1.0β18 (12 Feb., 2020): Escape HTML tags by default, render them optionally.
- v1.0β17 (5 April, 2019): Convert smart quotes to straight quotes in code, but leave them alone in other text.
- v1.0β16 (25 Feb. 2019): Handle simple nested lists properly in HTML conversion (Markdown already works well).
- v1.0β15 (10 Feb. 2019): Number ordered list items sequentially (instead of using 1. for all items).No change to rendered HTML.
- v1.0β14 (15 Jan. 2019): Name change to Docs to Markdown: now published on G Suite Marketplace.
- v1.0β13 (29 Sept. 2018): Close strikethrough text properly at the end of a paragraph.
- v1.0β12 (24 Sept. 2018) : Convert strikethrough text.
- Revert to: // - 1.0β11: Fix small bug: replace bufout with bufHTML. Remove version number from banner. Retitle.
- v1.0β12 (28 May, 2018): Replace < with &lt; by default. Add option to allow HTML tags. Also allow escape (\<).
- v1.0β11 (24 March, 2018): No effect on output. Remove version number from banner. Retitle.
- v1.0β10 (17 Feb. 2018): Handle soft line-breaks (shift-enter) properly. (Markdown and HTML)
- v1.0β9 (9 Nov. 2017): Handle embedded paragraphs in list items for Markdown.
- v1.0β8 (30 Oct. 2017): Use _ instead of * for italic markup to avoid ambiguity (Markdown).
- v1.0β7 (10 Oct., 2017): Warn if DEBUG is true.
- v1.0β6 (07 Oct., 2017): Ignore headings that are blank or just contain whitespace.
- v1.0β5 (17 Sept., 2017): Warn about multiple H1 headings, but only in the top comment, not inline.
- v1.0β4 (16 Sept., 2017): Don't wrap HTML by default. Add checkbox option to wrap HTML. For footnotes also.
- v1.0β3 (29 July, 2017): Escape angle brackets (<) in HTML code blocks.
- v1.0β2 (15 July, 2017): Check for spurious 0-row table. Fix image path for placeholder links.
- v1.0β (10 July, 2017): Initial release of gd2md-html.
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Docs™ to Markdown will need access to your Google account
This will allow Docs™ to Markdown to :
View and manage documents that this application has been installed in
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Drew Pattison
January 26, 2025
worked quite well, thanks for making this! only a few things didn't transfer correctly. going to fork to fix the double line break issue. Good luck with your disc golf!
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Lucas Hood
August 9, 2024
I was really disappointed with this Google Add-on. I hoped it would make converting my Google Docs to HTML code easier, but it fell short in almost every way. The conversion process was clunky and often led to poorly formatted HTML, which required a lot of manual cleanup afterward. It just didn't save me the time or effort I expected. On top of that, the interface is not user-friendly, and I ran into bugs that crashed my Google Doc multiple times. After struggling with it for a while, I found a much better alternative that works seamlessly and produces clean, well-structured HTML code without any of the headaches. I wouldn't recommend this Add-on to anyone serious about efficiently converting Docs to HTML. There are better tools out there that do the job much better.
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September 14, 2024
Good stuff. Works 99% perfectly (can't ask for better)
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Hrishikesh P
August 12, 2024
while this one has a lot of features, it is not at all user-friendly. If you are looking for a simple, easy to use addon, i recommend DocsBot. Works all the time, you can directly download the html and mail the doc.
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Luthien Dulk
November 5, 2024
Perfect, this is exactly what I needed to make transfering course content from Google Docs to Moocit doable. Thanks a lot!
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Caspar von Wrede
September 3, 2024
Really good. Does exactly what I want
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Ondřej Brablc
February 13, 2024
Not good, I used `pandoc -t markdown` and with great result.
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Alison Werner
September 8, 2023
Was working fine for over a year until my Google Chrome recently updated. Now I get an doc icon with a sad face whenever I try to use this extension. I can use it with no problem in Safari and my Google Drive there, but not on Chrome. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I couldn't do that on Chrome. Was able to uninstall and reinstall on Safari--again where it works with no problem. It does show up as reinstalled on Chrome, but it still will not work. Kind of ridiculous that an extension for a Google product doesn't work on Google's web browser.
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Jack D. Lail
December 8, 2023
Works as expected. I just wish Google would support Markdown better. This is a good solution if you are working in both Google Docs and Markdown.
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César Brun
February 8, 2024
dirty and unreadable conversion... not impressed.
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