Overcome inbox overload. Bring the best out of your email inbox into a distraction-free workspace.
Ficha atualizada:12 de abril de 2024
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So much of your life is in your inbox: messages, attachments, ideas, lists, goals. Don’t let the important communication stuff from friends and co-workers get lost in the shuffle—bring it all into Evernote.

Evernote for Google Gmail™ lets you take what matters out of your inbox and into a distraction-free workspace where you can curate your content, add context, and stay focused.

With Evernote for Google Gmail™ you can:

Focus on what matters - move your emails into Evernote so they don’t get buried under inbox overload. 
Write better emails - find your Evernote content fast to write better emails without extra effort.
Save time - keep emails in Evernote and easily find them when you need them. 
Stay organized - store your content the way you want in Evernote.
Collect and collaborate - save important emails into notes and share them as public links to Evernote.

Best of all, you can do all this and more—right from Google Gmail™. 

With the Evernote for Google Gmail™ add-on, you can put your important emails where you do your important work and get more done.

To learn more, visit us at www.evernote.com/integrations/gmail
Informações adicionais
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A app Evernote for Google Gmail™ irá pedir as autorizações apresentadas abaixo. Saiba mais
A app Evernote for Google Gmail™ terá de aceder à sua Conta Google
Esta ação irá permitir que a app Evernote for Google Gmail™:
Gerir rascunhos e enviar emails quando interagir com o suplemento
Ver os metadados da sua mensagem de email quando o suplemento está em execução
Ver as suas mensagens de email quando o suplemento estiver a ser executado
Executar como suplemento do Gmail
Ligar a um serviço externo
Ver e gerir os dados associados à aplicação
Ver o país, o idioma e o fuso horário.
Ver o endereço de email principal da sua Conta Google.
Ver as suas informações pessoais, incluindo as que tiver disponibilizado publicamente
Limpar pesquisa
Fechar pesquisa
Google Apps
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