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Get notified of changes made in your Google Documents automatically. Also include editors and readers to the notifications and be alerted of file name change.
Listing updated:September 13, 2021
Works with:
*** IMPORTANT *** ezNotification will be replaced by onleenotification our new Google Workspace add-on.
This change take place due to some change on Google Drive API restricted scope and Activty API. This new app will work as ezNotification and you will benefits of the Google Workspace Add-on integration.

ezNotifications will let you be notified of changes in a Google Document. You will be able to activate notifications in any Google Document to receive an email with list of people who made changes.

*** NEW ***
2018/12/05 : Updated to work with team drive
Discover ezNotifications Dashboard to view all your files with notifications activated.

*** Paid Plan ***
ezNotifications for Docs is a freemium application. To activate advanced options you need to buy a license.
Personal notifications are free and will remain free all the time, paid plan is for activating options to notify editors and readers and rename alert.

- Receive an email when someone modify the document
- Select frequency between hourly and daily rate
- For daily rate select the hour of the day to be notified

#Paid options
- Notify editors
- Notify commentators and readers
- Get notified if file is renamed
Additional information
PricingNot available
Trader status unspecified
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Terms of service
ezNotifications for Docs will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
ezNotifications for Docs will need access to your Google account
This will allow ezNotifications for Docs to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Docs documents
View the activity record of files in your Google Drive
See information about your Google Drive files
See and download all your Google Drive files
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
Connect to an external service
Allow this application to run when you are not present
Send email as you
View and manage data associated with the application
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Shaun Melvin
June 9, 2020
Works just fine and provides a service google drive should already have... would like to designated categories of notifications I want and on what files but for now this is the best thing out there.
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A User of ezNotifications for Docs
October 26, 2018
This is great! I need to be notified when others change my Google Docs - amazingly, Google doesn't offer this functionality built-in, but this add-on was quick to install and works perfectly. Others have complained that pretty much any feature beyond "notify me when someone changes a Doc" are only part of the paid plan. The paid plan currently costs about 2 cents per day. It is super-cheap! So, my friends, please don't complain about what you get for free, and if you need the paid features... pay! The developer of this add-on needs to buy food, pay for housing, etc, just like you do - so let's be good Internet citizens and support one another by paying for things of value, and not complaining about what we get for free.
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A User of ezNotifications for Docs
January 17, 2018
I was wondering why this had such a low rating, until i installed it and discovered even the very basic functionality of notifiying others of an edit (the entire reason i installed the app) is disabled unless you pay. I wouldnt mind paying if it worked, but i wouldnt use this app simply as putting a paywall infront of basic functionality is highly-offputting. Needs Re-thinking
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A User of ezNotifications for Docs
August 6, 2017
This add-on is great for a teacher that uses Google Classroom. Google Classroom notifies you when documents have been shared and as a teacher we usually know when this share is for collaboration as opposed to mischievous other reasons. I really like the fact that the Doc title notification is active and you choose your notifications.
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Michele Virgilio
July 31, 2021
You need to pay for the basic functionality, ie. notification on edit. Do NOT install.
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A User of ezNotifications for Docs
February 26, 2017
it told me what was happening with the docs. It was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A User of ezNotifications for Docs
July 3, 2019
This app won't allow a Google sign on. When I try to setup a notification it says that it has not been verified with Google.
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Jay Peek
November 12, 2020
Pipelined into buying the only additional feature I needed which is to notify people sharing the document that someone has made a document change.
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Ingrid Williams
November 15, 2020
Works well--but I really need this for Google Slides! A possibility??
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Ginny Quinn
October 27, 2020
This no longer works. Tells me temporarily disabled. I didn't disable anything.
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