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A potent thesaurus and brainstorming tool for writers of all kinds. Find synonyms, related words, adjectives, rhymes, and more!
Listing updated:December 17, 2024
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The OneLook Thesaurus add-on brings the brainstorming power of OneLook and RhymeZone directly to your editing process. As you're writing a document in Google Docs™, just select one of the 9 function buttons to find engaging alternatives, admirable adjectives, rapturous rhymes, and more.   

The add-on will use the word under your cursor to make the search. You can override this by selecting a word or multi-word phrase in your document explicitly with your mouse, or by typing a word or phrase into the side panel's search box. Click on a result to replace the word at your cursor (or your selection) with the result.

"Synonyms" shows you synonyms and similar words, as well as links to find definitions and usage examples. Synonyms will be returned first (and highlighted in yellow), but the results go far beyond what you'd find in a traditional thesaurus, giving you many nuanced alternatives that may make for suitable substitutions.   Your search can be a phrase -- more than just a single word -- giving you access to the popular "reverse dictionary" feature of OneLook.

"Triggers" shows you words that are commonly associated with your search.

"Rhymes" shows you rhymes (perfect and approximate). The results that are shaded in dark green are the "perfect" rhymes -- the greener the better.

"Complete" shows you words that start with the letters you've typed so far, which is useful to jog your memory if you only know the beginning of a word.

"Adjectives" shows you adjectives that are commonly used to describe your search word; this works best when your search word is a noun in need of description.

"Nouns" is the reverse; it shows you nouns that are commonly described by your search word; this works best when your search word is an adjective. Together, "Adjectives" and "Nouns" are useful for generating ideas for creative writing.
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Alex Heller
March 1, 2025
This is a great extension/add-on! I was wondering if there is a way to "pin" it to the menu? Or to the right hand sidebar? I know i can access it through the extensions menu at the top of my document, but it would be more convenient if i could put a specific button just for OneLook somewhere in the navigation, either in the sidebar or someplace else.
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Tristan Paragas
December 17, 2024
Still works!! its just at the extensions part next to the tools bar
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January 20, 2024
It was very glitchy and would not work on my Google Chrome. I do have the latest updates.
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Jonas Lönborg
March 24, 2023
Fantastic app, such a great resource! A suggestion — currently the panel the extension creates on the right side of the screen is not part of the "Google Sidebar" (sorry, not sure if that's the correct term) that give access to Calendar, Keep, Tasks, Contacts, Maps, and third party extensions. I use Google Keep for adding notes and thoughts about a story when I'm writing, but as OneLook is not part of this sidebar, when I expand Keep, OneLook gets hidden underneath. I have seen other Docs extensions that integrate with the Google Sidebar (GPT Workspace comes to mind), so while I can't see both Keep and GPTW at the same time, at least I don't have to close the panel/sidebar to switch between them. I think getting OneLook integrated into the sidebar would be really cool. If sidebar integration is not feasible, would it at least be possible to make the OneLook panel move to the side when the Google sidebar is expanded? So that both are visible at the same time. Also, I think it would be great to have the option to change the width of the OneLook panel, and, more importantly, change the size of the font. I have a very large screen with high a high resolution, and the words are very small. Thanks for the amazing app!
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Chris Vancuren
April 3, 2023
I am behind on the times but I just discovered this add-on this week. What a fantastic tool for writing! The amount of information accessible to you is overkill, in a good way. When you are writing, options are always good. I love the idea that you can look up things like quotes and lyrics, just to name a few, associated with the word you have highlighted. This should be on everyone's add-on list!
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November 28, 2023
This worked great for a few months, it doesn't work anymore, right when I was going to use it to help me write an assignment. Too unreliable.
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Camille AF
January 21, 2024
Didn't work for me
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Austin C. G.
October 8, 2022
This is the only app I've ever gone out of my way to review and give 5 stars. It is single handedly the most useful app I've seen on the marketplace. Any writer will tell you, writing is incredibly difficult. You'll often write a paragraph only to find that you reused a word in a way that unintentionally made the whole thing feel clunky. Or you'll be writing something, and a term or turn of the phrase is on the tip of your tongue but you can only think of a similar word. This app has single-handedly solved those problems for me; any time I have that feeling in the back of my head that I'm missing something, that there's a way to polish off this sentence to read a little better, this app has always been helpful. And it's not even just synonyms it gives you for the word you input; it also provides proverbs containing the word, and rhymes, and words commonly used in conjunction with that word. This is an amazing app and an absolute must have for any writer (especially creative writer) using google docs.
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Domenica Tullio
February 26, 2023
Why is this not consistent? It does not last very long. disappears
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MistyShadowsXX Valdemar
September 5, 2022
Like opening another tab, bringing up a thesaurus, and typing in the word with extra steps. Until you can just simply highlight the word with the application open and get the synonyms for it, it's utterly useless. 1 star.
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